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Premium Bookmark Mockup

In a world where digital screens dominate our daily lives, the allure of a physical book remains unmatched for many. There’s something profoundly satisfying about turning the pages, feeling the paper texture, and smelling the faint mustiness of a well-loved volume. Among these literary treasures, one unique genre stands out for its functional elegance: the bookmark book.

A bookmark book is a delightful fusion of practicality and design. These books are crafted with integrated bookmarks—either as part of the book’s cover or as detachable inserts—making them perfect companions for readers who love to mark their progress without the hassle of separate bookmarks that can easily be lost.

The free bookmark mockup is available in 5 fully outlined, downloadable, and editable PSD files. It appears along with a hardcover publication. The bookmark has a rectangular style, and the artwork presented on it is entirely changeable, utilizing bright layers. Backgrounds are all adjustable and can be changed by color, texture, or any kind of visual of your choice.

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Format: PSD
Size: 287 MB
Author: Mockup design

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